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Name: Seitherin
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Got bored

. . . so I changed how things look. I've tested the new look under IE 6.0, Netscape 7.1, Mozilla 1.7.1, and Firebird 0.9.2 running under Windows with the screen resolution set at 1024 x 768 on two different computers. I don't have access to a Mac and I don't know anyone who has a Mac so I have no way to test how things look on a Mac. Ditto for Linux. I'm mostly satisfied with the new look, but I would appreciate constructive criticism.

Witchy Smiley

Almost forgot . . . I call this layout/template Serenity One. The background and colors are based on one I have up at Graphics from Glynn Garthold called, you guessed it, Serenity 1.

Smiley Knight


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. ok. hi. i just joined today by accident or however you wanna call it. i just found your blog on one of those "most recent updates" thingy... (yeayeayea.... was just browsin' thru~) your blog's funny i guess you know lots about computers huh. don't expect any critism from meh~ i like the "new" look. (^-^) see ya

7:38 PM, August 12, 2004  
Blogger Roseunicorn said...

you know me = I like green but this shade is so soothing. I can't see both boundaries without scrolling side to side but that is probably my text setting or something other.

8:58 PM, August 12, 2004  
Blogger Seitherin said...

You must have your screen resolution set at 800 x 600. I'm surprised. Just about everybody these days has their resolution set to at least 1024 x 768. Oh, well.

How do the various font colors contrast with the background? Easy to read? Hard?

9:06 PM, August 12, 2004  
Blogger Karen said...

A very elegant layout - well done!
The squares to the left remind me of quilts.
Very nice, all in all - text is well readable.

12:58 AM, August 13, 2004  
Blogger Aleysian said...

I like it. Definitely agree with the soothing assessment.

We had to get a new graphics card this week (strange fuzzy lines and blurred text are now gone...yippee!) and are now running in 1024 x 768, so it all fits perfectly on my screen. I am still using Netscape, so I can confirm that it looks fine that way. The little icons don't move around in Netscape (I think I have them set not to do so)like they do in IE. You know me...I have a hard time with excessively cute (the Word Paper Clip dies!)...unless it comes in the form of kittens. ;)

6:57 AM, August 13, 2004  
Blogger Seitherin said...

Aleysian, huh? Does this mean you're going to blog?

8:49 AM, August 13, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks very nice :)
I like the colour combinations you chose, and all the text is very easy to see.

1:13 PM, August 14, 2004  
Blogger wildmagiclady said...

I love, luv, luv it. It is indeed very soothing and pleasant to look upon. Nicey nice, loverly. Yep. MMmmm hmmm. Tis!

4:26 PM, August 14, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the border in Mozilla 1.7.2, just the background color. I was at 1152 and went down to 1024, didn't make a difference. I do see it in IE. Good color scheme.

Also, I couldn't post a comment from Mozilla, only from IE. Might be a setting, I'll play with it.


12:07 AM, August 15, 2004  

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