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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Liveship Traders

by Robin Hobb.

Ship of Magic Mad Ship Ship of Destiny

I finished the last book of the trilogy on Saturday while I was home visiting my parents. It was a quiet lazy day just made for reading.

The trilogy was a very quick, mindless read. None of the characters ground on my nerves as the Fitz did in the last book of the Farseer trilogy. My only real complaint with the trilogy is that it had a very much too "happily ever after" ending where everyone got what they deserved. There were no real bad guys in the books. Those characters who were meant to be bad weren't even dark enough to be grey. They were just grimy off-white. The good guys all learned from their mistakes and became much better people because of them. The people who needed to die, died. The people who needed to live and learn, lived and learned. Those who were broken, repaired.

The books aren't bad if what you want from 2400 pages is the comfort feeling you get from a warm bowl of oatmeal on a cold winter morning. If you're looking for steak and potatoes after a hard day of work, this isn't it. I was in the mood for oatmeal so I enjoyed them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree with the oatmeal comment .. good way to pass lazy evenings these books..not much strain to the grey matter

3:36 PM, July 17, 2005  

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