So, I've got a blog . . . Now what?

Everyone seems to be jumping on the blog bandwagon so I thought I'd give it a go as well. Haven't really got a clue what I'm going to talk about, but that's never really stopped me from saying something, so . . .

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Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

One of those sleepless nights

I'm having one of those sleepless nights where I just can't seem to fall asleep no matter what boring thing I find to do. I tried watching TV, but I got interested in the movie that was on - "The Forgotten". I tried reading but I just kept reading the same sentence over and over again so I gave that up. Then I started digging around in my desk - which has now been very efficiently organized - and I found some notes I made I don't know how many years ago for a language I was going to create for a story I was going to write. I don't remember what the story was supposed to be about, but the notes for the language are kind of nifty looking. I suspect they would be even more nifty if I'd had any sort of linguistic training. Anyway, I thought I'd share --

a = ah as in father
â = ow as in cow
ä = ay as in hay

e = eh as in net
ê = ay as in hay
ë = ee as in need

i = i as in pit
î = e as in we
ï = i as in night

o = o as in shop
ô = oy as in boy
ö = o as in hope

u = uh as in up
û = oo as in moo
ü = u as in use

y = ee as in need
ŷ = ye as in yell
ÿ = yi as in yipes

bh = p as in pair

c = k as in kite
ch = ch as in German ich

dh = th as in this

f = as v at the end of words

g = always hard
gh = fa as in fin

hr = voiced

q = k in kite


th = th as in think

x = s as in sunset

z = sh as in ship

There is no k.

'at = masculine extension, suffix
'el = feminine extension, suffix

te' = plural, prefix

nê = mankind, plural noun

nê'at = man
te'nê'at = men

nê'el = woman
te'nê'el = women

nêor = gold, the color
nêoret = gold, the metal

nêas = silver, the color
nêaset = silver, the metal

et = metal
te'et = metals

tûra = parent
te'tûra = parents

tûr'at = father
te'tûr'at = fathers
tr'ati = daddy, dad

tûr'el = mother
te'tûr'el = mothers
tr'eli = mommy, mom

sä'am = friend
te'sä'am = friends

And that's as far as I got. I wish I could remember what I was going to write about. I can't find any notes on the story. Oh, well.


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