So, I've got a blog . . . Now what?

Everyone seems to be jumping on the blog bandwagon so I thought I'd give it a go as well. Haven't really got a clue what I'm going to talk about, but that's never really stopped me from saying something, so . . .

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Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Couple Finishes 4,900-Mile Walk Across US - Yahoo! News

"The transcontinental trail starts in Delaware, meandering through Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, St. Louis and other cities, 14 national parks and 16 national forests before hitting the Pacific at Point Reyes.

The trail officially opened in 2000, 11 years after it was proposed by hiking enthusiasts as the first coast-to-coast footpath."

That's one heckuva hike.


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