
The Best Friend leading me to the goat pen.

Goats and kids, oh my!

The Best Friend bottle feeding one little fellow.

Kids will be kids.
I took the pictures on Saturday, November 26. It was feeding time when I arrived. It was also play time for all the kids who got into everything.
They're adorable.
These pictures don't do the little monsters justice. They were so cute butting each other and gamboling around and playing 'king of the hill'. A video camera would have been better but all I had was a still camera.
Remind me next time and I will show you video of them - hehehe
So you didn't label it "the old goat and her kids"
I can always change it.
Did you get the link to album?
yep - that's how I know you labeled it the "old goat and her kids"
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