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Name: Seitherin
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Guess what these are

The new kittens shortly after birth. Three orange and one dark. The new kittens shortly after birth. Three orange and one dark. The new kittens shortly after birth. Three orange and one dark.

They were born this morning. There are four - three orange and one dark. These belong to Meli.

Now playing: The Traveling Wilburys - Tweeter and the Monkey Man



Anonymous Karen said...

Kittens! So cute!

12:38 AM, August 15, 2007  
Blogger Roseunicorn said...

So how many does that make?

Did you not fix somebody?

You need to fix either the males or females - whichever you have the least of and now!

1:23 AM, August 15, 2007  
Blogger Seitherin said...

15. If they're Meli's kittens, then it's Meli who isn't fixed. All the boys are, but I haven't been able to get thru all the girls yet. One of these years . . .

7:53 PM, August 15, 2007  
Blogger Roseunicorn said...

so let me guess who let her out??????

11:26 PM, August 15, 2007  

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