Yes, after all this time there really is honest to goodness knitting content on my blog. I can hardly believe it myself. This is about an hour's worth of work on the
Argosy scarf from I started it at work on Wednesday during lunch. Let me tell you that it's really hard keeping count when you sit with a bunch of friends in the lunchroom at work and gossip. It took three tries to get it started without making a mistake. I'm not sure who I'm making this for yet.

It doesn't look like much, but it does pretty up the further along I get. I know this because I actually started the scarf last year before the finger business put a kibosh on my life and I had it about a quarter done. After the surgery and before the arthritis came along, when I thought I was fit enough to knit, I added a couple of pattern repeats only to realize I'd made a serious boo-boo. There was no way I could keep going with the pattern mistake I'd made so I finally frogged it on Tuesday and started over again. I intend for this to be my lunchtime project until I finish it.
And speaking of the finger business, here's a shot of me holding the yarn after I snapped the picture above. Doesn't really look much better, does it? I still can't straighten the finger, but I can use it for typing and knitting and holding things so that's progress at least.

And, yes, my had is a bit swollen. I'm back on blood pressure meds. The one I'm on now is a diuretic since I'm retaining over 20 pounds of water weight that I've put on in the last two months. That's apparently when the blood pressure went out of whack again. Oh, well. At least I can knit again.
Labels: ailments, scarf, scarf - other designers